Daddy! It seems to me like a nightmare having to write this in honor of you. The past few days, weeks and months have made me realize that I had been using the phrase “worse day of my life” wrongly. I say this because I thought life had thrown some bad scenarios at me, but I changed this notion on the 26th of April 2021, for on this day death threw a discourteous blow at you. This blow has triggered an immense pain in my heart that will take eternity to heal. It hurts more because you played a fast one on us, for you left at a point when we thought you had conquered death. (Man’s worse fear and greatest enemy).
The prof! As I would jokingly call you. I know you may be physically gone, but you are still with me in spirit. I will never forget your favorite saying which states: “Honor and shame on no condition rise act well in your path and there the honor lies.” This will see me through life. My hero! You were a father like no other. You showered me with unquestionable love, unexplainable care and inexplicable attention. In you, I had a father, a brother, a mentor, a tutor, a best friend and a true confidant. I feel so empty because you have left a great void in my heart. I don’t know where I will ever get the kind of advice you gave.
This is by far the most painful and heart-ripping experience I have had, but I take solace in the fact that the true measure of a man, is not in the flamboyant lifestyle he lived, but in the number of lives he impacted, and in the good name and sincere legacy, he leaves behind. Daddy! I am glad because by this measure, you were and still are immeasurable.
Although, my kids might not have been privileged to meet you, but they will grow up to be proud of their grandfather, for your name will forever speak for itself. You were a fighter; you survived two major surgeries that could have claimed your life. You also fought this time till the very end, but we can’t question God who has called you home to rest. I believe you are in a better place where you are free from every pain, burden and affliction. If I had a chance to pick a father again, I will choose you all over again because you are the best father anyone could ever wish for. I will miss you so much.
Adieu Daddy! Farewell The Prof! Goodbye my hero! Sleep on my best friend! Rest In Peace my all in all till we meet to part no more.
Ms. Isikphe Igbafe