Daddy, you know if I had my way, I wouldn't write this tribute because it's just too hard. My sweetheart, my baby, my meticulous papa I miss you! I keep hearing your voice when I close my eyes. The last words you said to me were, "I love you, Renua. God bless you." I never knew you would not make it.
You were always so loving, Daddy. You always laughed so heartily. Such a good listener, you always gave relevant advice. I could tell you anything and you would listen and tell me how to best deal with my issues. We were very much alike and I am sure that you always knew why.
I miss you because I don't have anyone to tease again (Don’t worry; I think I have found a suitable candidate to fill your chair). I will always remember how you would sometimes fall asleep when we were on the phone, exclaiming, "Renua! We have been on the phone for two hours! Please, let's call it a day!" If I could go back in time, I would just chat with you and tell you how much I loved you all over again.
Daddy, I am glad for all that you achieved in life, your wins and losses. Thank you for all of the lives lessons you taught me from all your personal experiences. I will always remember you as a hard worker and avid reader. You would stay up until 2 a.m. only to get up the next day by 7 a.m. Except for the weekend.
My daddy, you were a pillar of support and love. Any time I was stranded, you always held my hand the best way you could. During graduate school when I thought I would not make it, you would read my papers and helped me edit them. When they were finally published, you said, "I already knew about the work, so no big deal, but congratulations anyway!"
You watched me closely. We would frequently video chat and you even noticed my first pregnancy before I had told you. Even when I denied it, you knew. You replied, "Okay, you have started lying to me!" We laughed over it! You were always health conscious too. You would remind me to exercise. If I was getting too big you would ask, "Is Idowu not saying anything? “Renua, stop eating too much oh."
My Phoenix has gone to rest. I cannot believe you are gone. My hero has left me. I am only consoled because I know that you are in a better place. You were very dear to me, my young old man. I thought I knew what heartbreak was, but I did not. The first time I felt my heart was going to stop beating was when I heard the news that you had passed. I can't get over you dying after facing life's challenges. You beat cancer twice! Daddy, you are a survivor. Now all I have are good memories of you.
You had a beautiful mind. You were so religious but you didn't like to admit it. You were reserved and at the same time the life of the party. I love all of your imperfections and I will truly miss you. Oshiorenua’s Daddy, I love you. I am sure that you already know that.
I will forever remember the very first day that we reconnected. I came to your office. I didn't have to explain myself. You knew who I was. I am honored to be your daughter. You are always in my heart and my thoughts.
Sleep well, Daddy. Golden Girl
(Mrs Renua Edebiri-Otabor nee Igbafe)