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Jul 08, 2021
In Tributes - Friends /Colleagues
I spoke to Philip on a Saturday. We thanked God for the success of the operation on him. By Monday, he had gone unto glory. His last words to me were “All is well that ends well”. We were very good friends. We matriculated the same day and graduated on the same day at U.I (University of Ibadan). Philip was a man of integrity; a trusted and reliable friend. His word was his bond. A scholar of the very best pedigree. He excelled in Benin History and was honoured for his excellence by the Oba of Benin. Philip loved his family. He did not allow his busy schedule to interfere with his responsibilities as a husband and father. He gave them his best. I give God the glory that he enjoyed a clear demonstration of the love his children have for him before he passed on to glory. Perhaps, the most important thing one can say about Philip is that he was a child of God. The testimony of the children with him on the day he passed, is that he told them not to stop praying. With the home call of Philip, Nigeria has lost a nation builder, an excellent scholar and a profound teacher. I pray the Lord will watch over the family he left behind. Philip, there is every indication that you ended well. Rest in Peace in the bosom of the Lord. Felix Ohiwerei.
Jun 14, 2021
In Tributes - Family
Our beloved brother, popularly called "BROTHER" by all the children and relations of our father, Pa Uloko Igbafe, lived for 84 years. he was a perfect gentleman, and an administrator, a seasoned academician of national and international fame and a prof with high reputation. His public and academic life attested to his Motto: Strive at all times for the very best. Our mother told us that at a very tender age, he came out best to gain admission into the only school in Etsako West at Afashio and again he came out best to gain admission to St Thomas teacher's training college, Ibusa. Following his academic performance in this college, he was appointed a teacher in the same college. A year later he gained admission to the University of Ibadan (UI) to read B.A History. Prof Philip Igbafe's intelligence was again attested to here in the University of Ibadan, when he banged a first class degree in history and immediately proceeded to get his PhD in history. He then proceeded to the University at Ile-Ife, where he lectured for years. Here he became the University orator for all public ceremonies, like matriculation, graduations etc. He was appointed as the commissioner for Ministry of Works and Transport in Bendel State during the Agbazika regime. Later he again acted as commissioner for the Ministry of Chieftancy affairs. In later years, he went on international academic missions, building the department of Afican history in some United States (US) universities, New York State University etc. During all these movements, we lived with him admiring his exemplary lifestyle during which time, he shared with us through our civil service career both in Bendel and Edo state. Brother Philip Igbafe, because of your good care over us, we can never forget you and the vacuum you have created can not be filled by anyone. may the good Lord receive you into His kingdom. Amen. We will miss you all the remaining days of our life. How much can we say about your beautiful and exemplary life/ Rest in Peace. MICHAEL ADOYE IGBAFE
Jun 14, 2021
Jun 12, 2021
In Tributes - Family
You came from a humble background, but that did not stop you. You were first of many, with lots of responsibilities, that did not stop you. You faced challenges after challenges but that did not stop you either. Like an amazon, you “fought” your way through and got to the zenith and became an example to emulate. I am proud of you. Always proud of you. you named me at birth. You taught me a lot. I know you did not want to leave me, but God has the final say. I am yet to get over it. I miss being your little sister. Hearing my name called by your voice. We had a special relationship. We understand one another even without words. You always meant a lot to me and you always will. I could never love you less. Miss you a lot. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen. Pastor (Mrs) Philomena Bologi (nee Igbafe)
Jun 11, 2021
In Tributes - Children
Dear Daddy, it has been very difficult for me to write this tribute, as I have found myself struggling to come to terms with the fact that you have truly departed this world, & gone to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, 2 Cor 5:8-9) We were not preparing for a funeral. We were preparing for your discharge from hospital, and were already making the relevant arrangements. We truly believed that you would make it, because we had prayed fervently & continuously throughout your time in hospital, and you had actually recovered. In addition, you had been so active, strong, healthy & still working - before that hospital admission. You were known to so many as a Professor of Professors, a Leader of Leaders, a foremost Historian of Edo History, an excellent academician, an accomplished author with many published works, & someone who had an exemplary work ethic. You impacted so many lives with your generosity, mentorship, heart of service, counsel & advice. You made it possible & assisted so many in entering institutions of higher learning in Nigeria, who may otherwise have not been able to do so. However, as your first child, I knew you as an honorable Father. You were genuinely humble & simple, despite your numerous & noteworthy achievements. Very easy going, down to earth, gentle temperament, slow to anger, always encouraging, full of advice about life’s issues, pure in heart, & with a great sense of humor. You believed the best of people, even in the face of overwhelming evidence showing the contrary, and you were quick to forgive. Even when some took advantage of your purity of heart, you would always refuse to retaliate, as you believed that they would eventually reap the harvest of what they had sown. You were a man of faith who believed in the Lord with all your heart. You prayed for all your Children every single night, and you told us this all the time. You loved to go to Church & you did this regularly at a very early hour on Sundays for decades. You were a caring Father. When my husband of 30years fell ill, you showed extreme concern, & made a point of praying for him regularly. When he passed on in June 2020, you constantly checked on us to ensure that we were ok. I can still hear your voice whenever I called you to ask how you were doing. “I’m okayyyy, I’m okayyyy” you would always respond, no matter what was going on. I will miss you Daddy. You were an honourable Father. Your daughter, Pastor (Mrs) Pamela Lloyd-Kuyinu (neé Igbafe).
Jun 11, 2021
In Tributes - Children
I would like to remember my Father by the values he imparted in me, with words, study and by example. My father taught me about books I can read anything. He taught me respect. You do not amount to much without it. He taught me the value of learning. You never stop. He taught me to seek God No excuse good enough for not going to church. He taught me punctuality, to set forth at dawn. He showed me how to love and care. He taught me selflessness. He taught me to give. You cannot take anything with you to eternity. He taught me excellence, in tasks little or great. He taught me integrity. A good name he always said was worth all the money on earth… He taught me excellence. Do it well or do not do it at all. He taught me to teach, the impartation of knowledge to another is one of the greatest gifts. Thank you Daddy Good night Sir, Pastor Charles Igbafe
Jun 11, 2021
In Tributes - Children
Daddy, you were always you. From beginning to end. You believed in you strong, and you had confidence in you. You believed it took hard work, discipline and perseverance to be you. You were upright, you reached the pinnacle of your field of endeavour being you So you taught, preached and inspired these attributes in everyone around you, or that came across you, so they could be them. Therefore you impacted your family, your immediate and extended, your community, your state, your country, and beyond, your world, being you. Living your life to be you, to the utmost, always. You loved you, so you loved dearly and impacted dearly without restrain, your family and everyone that came across you, believing they had the right to every opportunity life had, for them to be hard working, disciplined, upright and to persevere, so they could be them. So you gave of yourself, all of yourself, to everyone, for them to become them, you became their professor emeritus. So much so that so many, even those we never knew while you were with us on this side of heaven came to us to be consoled on your passing, when we were the ones that actually needed to be consoled. Interesting That was you. You were always you On that day, you told me, Esi "don't stop praying," I did not stop And I told you "I didn't come to Benin for this" but it was time... I miss you Thank God, that for you, you rest until we meet to part no more For this, I am grateful to God for you, Daddy Pastor Esilama Anthony Igbafe
Jun 11, 2021
In Tributes - Children
Daddy, I thank God for the childhood you gave me, as it was a very happy one and more importantly it laid the foundation for me to know the Lord Jesus, the Bible says "train up a child in the way they should grow and when they are old they will not depart from it". I thank God for the name you gave me because "a good name doeth better than riches", one that I can be proud of as a man and pass on to my children. It is not going to be easy now that know that I will not be able to pick up the phone and hear "hello", in the distinct manner you always answer. Or that I will not get any more life stories or history lessons from you. I always felt you had funny but old humour but I now find myself telling my own children my version of “Daddy” jokes. It was always interesting how you could interject humour in any situation not to make light of it but to bring out a moment for one to learn and remember. The gift that I have of making friends and getting to know people, being able to appreciate and make them feel comfortable, I clearly inherited from you. The Bible tells us that "to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven, a time to be born and a time to die". So with a sad heart I accept that you have left us and though I may not be happy about it, I can only put faith in our Heavenly Father and know that irrespective of what we as mortals see, this was an appointment from Him. Mr. Oshiomha Phillip Igbafe
Jun 11, 2021
In Tributes - Children
Daddy, you know if I had my way, I wouldn't write this tribute because it's just too hard. My sweetheart, my baby, my meticulous papa I miss you! I keep hearing your voice when I close my eyes. The last words you said to me were, "I love you, Renua. God bless you." I never knew you would not make it. You were always so loving, Daddy. You always laughed so heartily. Such a good listener, you always gave relevant advice. I could tell you anything and you would listen and tell me how to best deal with my issues. We were very much alike and I am sure that you always knew why. I miss you because I don't have anyone to tease again (Don’t worry; I think I have found a suitable candidate to fill your chair). I will always remember how you would sometimes fall asleep when we were on the phone, exclaiming, "Renua! We have been on the phone for two hours! Please, let's call it a day!" If I could go back in time, I would just chat with you and tell you how much I loved you all over again. Daddy, I am glad for all that you achieved in life, your wins and losses. Thank you for all of the lives lessons you taught me from all your personal experiences. I will always remember you as a hard worker and avid reader. You would stay up until 2 a.m. only to get up the next day by 7 a.m. Except for the weekend. My daddy, you were a pillar of support and love. Any time I was stranded, you always held my hand the best way you could. During graduate school when I thought I would not make it, you would read my papers and helped me edit them. When they were finally published, you said, "I already knew about the work, so no big deal, but congratulations anyway!" You watched me closely. We would frequently video chat and you even noticed my first pregnancy before I had told you. Even when I denied it, you knew. You replied, "Okay, you have started lying to me!" We laughed over it! You were always health conscious too. You would remind me to exercise. If I was getting too big you would ask, "Is Idowu not saying anything? “Renua, stop eating too much oh." My Phoenix has gone to rest. I cannot believe you are gone. My hero has left me. I am only consoled because I know that you are in a better place. You were very dear to me, my young old man. I thought I knew what heartbreak was, but I did not. The first time I felt my heart was going to stop beating was when I heard the news that you had passed. I can't get over you dying after facing life's challenges. You beat cancer twice! Daddy, you are a survivor. Now all I have are good memories of you. You had a beautiful mind. You were so religious but you didn't like to admit it. You were reserved and at the same time the life of the party. I love all of your imperfections and I will truly miss you. Oshiorenua’s Daddy, I love you. I am sure that you already know that. I will forever remember the very first day that we reconnected. I came to your office. I didn't have to explain myself. You knew who I was. I am honored to be your daughter. You are always in my heart and my thoughts. Sleep well, Daddy. Golden Girl (Mrs Renua Edebiri-Otabor nee Igbafe)
Jun 11, 2021
In Tributes - Children
Daddy! It seems to me like a nightmare having to write this in honor of you. The past few days, weeks and months have made me realize that I had been using the phrase “worse day of my life” wrongly. I say this because I thought life had thrown some bad scenarios at me, but I changed this notion on the 26th of April 2021, for on this day death threw a discourteous blow at you. This blow has triggered an immense pain in my heart that will take eternity to heal. It hurts more because you played a fast one on us, for you left at a point when we thought you had conquered death. (Man’s worse fear and greatest enemy). The prof! As I would jokingly call you. I know you may be physically gone, but you are still with me in spirit. I will never forget your favorite saying which states: “Honor and shame on no condition rise act well in your path and there the honor lies.” This will see me through life. My hero! You were a father like no other. You showered me with unquestionable love, unexplainable care and inexplicable attention. In you, I had a father, a brother, a mentor, a tutor, a best friend and a true confidant. I feel so empty because you have left a great void in my heart. I don’t know where I will ever get the kind of advice you gave. This is by far the most painful and heart-ripping experience I have had, but I take solace in the fact that the true measure of a man, is not in the flamboyant lifestyle he lived, but in the number of lives he impacted, and in the good name and sincere legacy, he leaves behind. Daddy! I am glad because by this measure, you were and still are immeasurable. Although, my kids might not have been privileged to meet you, but they will grow up to be proud of their grandfather, for your name will forever speak for itself. You were a fighter; you survived two major surgeries that could have claimed your life. You also fought this time till the very end, but we can’t question God who has called you home to rest. I believe you are in a better place where you are free from every pain, burden and affliction. If I had a chance to pick a father again, I will choose you all over again because you are the best father anyone could ever wish for. I will miss you so much. Adieu Daddy! Farewell The Prof! Goodbye my hero! Sleep on my best friend! Rest In Peace my all in all till we meet to part no more. Ms. Isikphe Igbafe
Jun 11, 2021
In Tributes - Children
Professor Philip Aigbona Igbafe I refuse to speak about you in past tense because you live on. Growing up as a young man you taught me determination, which I’m grateful for. I learned appreciation from watching you make sacrifices just to provide for us. You taught me the importance of humility and having a good name. We shared so many good times, laughs, memories and love that no one can ever take from me. On your sick bed, you still found a way to make me laugh with your amazing humor. You fought through several surgeries and survived, I don’t hesitate to let people know what a strong and determined man you are. You taught me the importance of love and forgiveness and I watched you practice this in society. You not being able to reply my messages and hold a conversation with me is very painful but I’m consoled whenever I hear people speak of you as a humble man with integrity and a beautiful heart. Thanks for being my Father I love you. Keep watching over your children and Grandchildren. We love you. “The last of the Romans” as you fondly introduced me to your friends I was meeting for the first time. Mr. Philip Amhanosi Igbafe Jr.
Jun 10, 2021
Jun 09, 2021
In Tributes - Family
UNCLE It has been really difficult for me to put this down because I can't imagine writing a tribute for you so soon. When I got the sad news of your demise at the early hour of the 26th of April, 2021, it seemed like a dream to me, and yet it was, and is still a reality. So, brother is truly gone? What an irrecoverable loss! An epitome of beauty and intelligence has left us. You were the head of lgbafe dynasty. Why did you have to leave us this way without a farewell? However, as Christians, our solace is in God's word in Phil 1:21-23 that says "to live is Christ and to die is gain." As you go into the world of immortality where distance, space or time is of no consequence, we pray, you will be among the Galaxy of saints when you arrive the beautiful shore. I will always remember you for your words of wisdom, advice, your intuition, encouragement, caring personality and humor. I love you dearly and would have wished you stay with us longer, but God knows it all and loves you more. In him, mortality has become immortality. I believe that he that is loved never dies but lives on in the hearts of the loved ones. So, brother, you may have gone but you live on in our hearts. Rest well, the great historian. Rest on until we meet again on the resurrection morning. May God grant eternal rest to your soul in heaven. Amen.
Jun 09, 2021
Jun 09, 2021
In Tributes - Friends /Colleagues
What an exit! Indeed, this great man has gone to the Lord! And that would remain the solace, being in the bosom of the Creator. Saying goodbye has never been an easy task especially to those we love. It becomes more difficult and painful when it is the last one. Prof, I must confess I am at a lost as to what to write. This is because you will ever remained an enigma to those of us who knew you well and those you barely did. Your uncanny ability to flow with all age groups never cease to amaze me. The young and not so young could stay in your presence a whole daylong without a moment of boredom. Perhaps, the sharpness of your mind which was intact till the very end is responsible for this. I looked back with nostalgia at the collections of old school tunes you regularly sent to me. I will miss those greatly, knowing that they would never come again. You made aging something t!!!!! You were generous, honest, compassionate, open- minded, charming and all the positive superlative adjectives would never suffice (this would have made you laugh) And, above all, you loved God. Therefore, I have no doubt that you are already with the Lord and interceding for us. You will be greatly missed by all of us particularly the front frontbenchers of St Gabriel the Arch Angel Catholic Church, Benin City. Rest on Prof till the resurrection day. Adieu to a great man, adieu to a quintessential Historian of our time, adieu Professor Philip Aigbona Igbafe Omolade Awodu
Jun 07, 2021
In Tributes - Family
Big Daddy(uncle) like i always call you, it is with deepest sorrow and sadness that I write this tribune. You were an uncle in a million and the pillar of the Entire Igbafe family, you were humble, loving, caring and good in your heart and soul. I remembered like yesterday, how you made sure I had a university degree, you were always ready to provide Fatherly advise and assist those around you. It is said that Leaders are born not made, you were a born leader, who sacrificed for everyone that came in contact with you and having you as an uncle, was one of the greatest blessings God gave to us, you were a man of great values and intelligence. Your death came as a rude shock to us all. A thousand words can´t bring you back I know, because I have tried and neither will a million tears, because I have cried. My memories of you will never be Forgotten and you will be greatly missed and am not sure of anyone that can fill the vacuum you left behind. ADIEU GREAT UNCLE I pray God grant you eternal rest in his bosom .(AMEN) Esther Omuemu (nee Igbafe)
Jun 07, 2021
In Tributes - Family
Daddy was what I called you. Your love was an indication and part of my overall marital happiness. There was once a man I loved. A man who cared. A man who shared. A man who knew life. This man was a father/grandfather, a professor of professors and a complete example of a gentleman. He commanded respect but still a power house of humility. People listened when he spoke. A great intellect and a reservoir of knowledge. You always took me as your real son, You filled a space that no one will ever replace. I miss your jokes and everything about you. You could never keep a frown Seems like yesterday that we were together. Then I opened my eyes to realize you were gone forever. It slices our hearts away to know you’re not here with us for the rest of our lives. As the tears roll down and as I seek PEACE to stop the PAIN. I know you are guided by the heavenly angels. My family will love you for the rest of our lives. Your last words to me, were to pray for you... Today, I pray to God to grant you peace as well. Time’s precious, it’s ever changing and waits for no one. Rest well my beloved DADDY, rest well my pride, and rest well my PROF. FROM NOSA OMUEMU
Jun 07, 2021
In Tributes - Friends /Colleagues
I still cannot believe my father in Lord is gone. I find myself unable to come in terms with my finality of this reality, but still alas it is true, my dear dad has gone to be with the Lord. My dad was a peaceful and moving man, most selfless man I ever be enough knew, he lived for the one's he loved more he lived for himself, an explicit example of what the life of a father should be like No amount of words will ever be enough to describe the the hole and pain his absence has left, the tales he has told,the words of wisdom he has given the love he never failed to share, the services he so effortlessly renders and the irreplaceable role and impact he has played in the lives and mind of people around him. Memories these are all I will ever have left of him, memories that will continue to stay, guide and remind me of what an exemplary life he lived. I wouldn't deny the fact that I was angry and bitter, the first time I heard of his death. But alas now I find myself sometimes, with a sense of consolation and peace knowing that he is finally resting in the bossom of the Lord, away from all the troubles of life and dwelling in eternal peace. He might be gone in flesh, but he never leave the space he occupied in my live and heart and now all I truly pray for is that I find true happiness and Joy knowing that he lived a fulfilled life and a sense of Peace knowing that he will forever be with use even even in death, knowing that he is never truly gone. Amen. Mrs Patricia Omon Osadiaehi
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